Le blog Jambo

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Unlock the power of stakeholder engagement reporting in your ESG strategy

By Jambo on July 25, 2024

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations are no longer optional. Regulatory requirements, investor expectations, and ...

Stakeholder engagement 101: A starter kit for success

By Jambo on June 21, 2024

Stakeholder engagement refers to building and maintaining relationships with individuals, groups or communities interested in your ...

How to make your stakeholder engagement more meaningful

Par Jambo sur le 25 juillet 2023

L'engagement efficace des parties prenantes est essentiel à la réussite de nombreux organismes ou projets.

6 raisons pour lesquelles votre organisation a besoin d'un logiciel de gestion des relations avec les parties prenantes

Par Jambo sur le 30 juin 2023

Entretenir des relations étroites avec les parties prenantes et les communautés indigènes ou tribales est crucial pour de nombreuses organisations et ...

The best tool for effective stakeholder engagement teams

Par Jambo sur le 20 juin 2023

Si vous lisez ces lignes, vous savez probablement qu'un engagement efficace des parties prenantes est essentiel pour que votre organisation puisse prospérer dans le monde d'aujourd'hui.

5 Easy ways to improve your stakeholder relationship management

By Jambo on May 16, 2023

Building and maintaining good stakeholder relationships is essential for your organization's success, but it can be a challenging task ...

Spreadsheets vs Stakeholder Relationship Management Software

By Jambo on May 01, 2023

Choosing the right stakeholder engagement tool With stakeholders and communities playing an increasingly critical role in the success ...

How to Stay on Top of Stakeholder Concerns with Stakeholder Engagement Software

By Britney Blomquist on September 26, 2022

Are Stakeholder Concerns and Issues Always Negative? In stakeholder and community engagement, when we hear words like “concerns,” ...

Is it Time to Think About Purchasing Stakeholder Engagement Software?

By Britney Blomquist on August 30, 2022

If you’re using spreadsheets or software built for things other than stakeholder engagement (like project management, marketing, or ...